Our Team

Meet the passionate and talented individuals who make CodeLytical Hub a reality. Together, we strive to innovate, educate, and empower the next generation of tech leaders.

Board Members

Our Board Members provide strategic direction and leadership, ensuring that CodeLytical Hub remains on track to achieve its mission and vision.

Nathaniel Nkrumah Nightingale


Provides leadership and strategic direction to the company.

Bridget Gafa

Board Member

Board member that plays an integral role in shaping company culture and human resource management.

Managing Team

The Managing Team works closely to oversee the day-to-day operations and ensure the smooth execution of CodeLytical's strategies and goals.

Nathaniel Nkrumah Nightingale

Managing Director

Provides leadership and strategic direction to the company.

Bridget Gafa

HR Manager

Plays an integral role in shaping company culture and human resource management.

Joseph Konduah

Operations Manager

Bridges the worlds of design, promotion, and the overall management of the company's operations.

Sylvester Baisie

Media and Content Manager

Oversees YouTube content creation and video editing, ensuring engaging and high-quality media that resonates with our audience.